people forget how fast you did the job but they will remember how well you did it^^
talk low talk slow and don't say too much~
every exit is an entrance somewhere else~(maybe la)
whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't you are absolutely right^^(agree)
the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams^^
the secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well
(hehe) the best mirror is a friend eye
a true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes
a friend is someone you can do nothing with and enjoy it~
everybody should have at least two friends one to talk and one to talk about
great friends are hard to find difficult to leave and impossible to forget
讲下今天做工啦 很炸到的咯 本来店没有人的 诗婷打来不久 店里门庭若市 一点也不夸张 跟她聊了一下子 虽然很想继续聊下去只是店里很多人了 就叫她多一下打来 然后刚盖电话 店里又恢复安静 够力 然后等她再打来有几个人跑进来了 之后我就很不得空了 本来我在帮忙排东西的 就站在柜台那边收钱忙到不得了
刚刚进工的时间啦 店里没什么人的 (我跟一个老人家做工)每个礼拜都有一天到单独面对她几个钟的咯 而且还是很难过的那一种 算了啦 要到两点才有人来陪我的 12.30-1.00之间 老人家接到一个电话 我遭殃了 她说我们店里的货送错地方去了 有十多箱东西 叫我上去拿回下来 omg 一两箱就没问题咯 13箱啊 怎样拿哦???然后算了我上去看看怎样才算 看到到那堆东西 够力多到 之后借一辆推车推到楼下店里去 哇~跟她做工都没好事干的咯 好了
嗯 店里来了一只新客人 RM1500 大到够够力